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People Helping People Help Themselves

Pocono Area Transitional Housing 

PATH House

PATH is more than safe shelter for women and children. It's a residential  program that fosters responsibility, accountability and independence. The PATH House and PATH Program are FREE to area families facing homelessness. 

Need Help?

Are you facing homelessness and also have children? Pocono Area Transitional Housing can help. Our two PATH Houses offer residential support for local families facing a housing crisis. Please click below to learn more or apply to live at the PATH House. 

Support PATH

PATH needs your help. From sponsorships, volunteer opportunities to participating in our annual PATH Walk, community support is what makes PATH work. Please consider helping keep PATH open to families facing a housing crisis.


The PATH Mission is to provide, organize, and operate housing for the care and relief of local families experiencing a housing crisis.  Our goal is to provide the tools needed to prepare our participants to successfully return to independent living. Our structured support is designed to develop and strengthen skills in the areas of budgeting, parenting, and employment. 

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